Task based queuing for



Pack & Go


Produces a Pack&Go of the model



Parameter Type Description
Title Text box The title of the task
Export Folder File browser The folder to export the file to
Save to Zip file Checkbox Saves the Pack & Go to the zip file
Zip file name Text box (with special variables) The file name for the ZIP file
Overwrite Checkbox If checked then any existing file will be overwritten


Parameter Type Description
Flatten To Single Folder Checkbox Saves all files to the root directory of the Pack & Go destination folder
Include Drawings Checkbox Adds the models drawings to the Pack & Go
Include Simulation Results Checkbox Adds the models simulation results to the Pack & Go
Include Toolbox Components Checkbox Adds the models toolbox components to the Pack & Go
Prefix Text box Optionally specify a prefix to be applied to all file names
Suffix Text box Optionally specify a suffix to be applied to all file names

Supported Document Types

  • Assembly (Lightweight)
  • Drawing (Resolved)
  • Part

Supported Processing Type

  • SolidWorks Application

This task does not make changes to the model