Task based queuing for



Set Feature(s) Suppression State


Suppress or unsuppress a named feature(s)



Parameter Type Description
Title Text box The title of the task
Feature name search Multi Parameter Options to match a feature by it's name
- Filter feature name Checkbox Enables the matching of the feature by name
- Feature name Text box The name of the feature
- Search condition Drop down box The search method to utilise to identify features to affect (all case insensitive)
Feature type(s) Multi Parameter Provides the ability to only affect specific types of features
- Filter feature type Checkbox Enables the feature type(s) filter to limit the type(s) of features that will be affected
- Feature type(s) filter Multi select drop down box The type(s) of features to affect (please note this is not an exhaustive list)
Suppress Feature Checkbox If checked will suppress the feature, otherwise the feature will be unsuppressed
Apply to all configurations Checkbox Apply the suppression change to all configurations else just the active configuration

Supported Document Types

  • Assembly (Resolved)
  • Drawing (Resolved)
  • Part

Supported Processing Type

  • SolidWorks Application

This task makes changes to the model
