Task based queuing for



Image Quality


Adjusts the image quality of the model



Parameter Type Description
Title Text box The title of the task


Parameter Type Description
Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolution Multi Parameter Sets the shaded and draft quality resolution (values > 100% are in the 'red' zone in the SolidWorks slider)
- Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolution Checkbox Sets the shaded and draft quality resolution
- Shaded and draft quality HLR/HLV resolution Slider Sets the shaded and draft quality resolution (values > 100% are in the 'red' zone in the SolidWorks slider)
Optimize edge length (higher quality, but slower) Checkbox Specifies whether to increase image quality


Parameter Type Description
Wireframe and high quality HLR/HLV resolution Multi Parameter Wireframe and high quality HLR/HLV resolution
- Wireframe and high quality HLR/HLV resolution Checkbox Wireframe and high quality HLR/HLV resolution
- Wireframe and high quality HLR/HLV resolution Slider Wireframe and high quality HLR/HLV resolution
Improve curve quality at higher settings Checkbox Specifies whether to improve a curve's angular tolerance at the high end of wireframe quality resolution; for wireframe quality slider settings between 92 and 100

Supported Document Types

  • Assembly (Resolved)
  • Drawing (Resolved)
  • Part

Supported Processing Type

  • SolidWorks Application

This task makes changes to the model
