Task based queuing for



Render Model (Visualize)


Renders a model using SOLIDWORKS Visualize. This requires the SOLIDWORKS Visualize add-in to be installed and licensed



Parameter Type Description
Title Text box The title of the task
Output Folder File browser The folder in which to save the rendered image
Job Name Special variables text box The job name to use for the rendered image (do not include the file extension)
Overwrite Checkbox If checked then any existing file will be overwritten

Render Settings

Parameter Type Description
Image Format Drop down box The file format of the image
Denoiser Checkbox If checked then the denoiser will be enabled
Image Height Numeric value The height of the image in pixels
Image Width Numeric value The width of the image in pixels

Render Mode

Parameter Type Description
Render Mode Drop down box The criteria used to decide when a render should complete
Frame Count Numeric value The maximum frame count at which to complete the render
Time Limit (seconds) Numeric value The number of seconds to wait before completing the render (note that too short of a time may result in an empty render)

Supported Document Types

  • Assembly (Resolved)
  • Part

Supported Processing Type

  • SolidWorks Application

This task does not make changes to the model
