Task based queuing for



Export Drawing As


Exports the drawing to a different format



Parameter Type Description
Title Text box The title of the task
Export Folder File browser The folder to export the file to
Export File Name Special variables text box The file name to export the file as (do not include the file extension)
Overwrite Checkbox If checked then any existing file will be overwritten

Export Options

Parameter Type Description
Export File Type Drop down box The file type to export
Export All Sheets Drop down box If checked exports all sheets
Sheets To Export Text box The names of sheets to export (pipe bar delimited list)
Override export settings Checkbox If checked, allows for the existing Export Options in System Settings to be overridden during file export. Settings will be restored to their original selections once the export is completed. NOTE: This option is only available for the Professional version of SolidQueue or above.

DXF Export Options

Parameter Type Description
DXF/DWG Version Drop down box The format version to export as
Fonts Drop down box The fonts to export with
Line Styles Drop down box The line styles to export with
Merge End Points Checkbox If checked then end points of entities are merged. This helps to avoid gaps between model edges, but increases the export time.
End Point Merging Distance Numeric value The tolerance within which gaps between line endpoints are eliminated
High Quality Export Checkbox If checked then exports at a higher level of quality (with a possible increase in time to export), only valid if 'Merge End Points' is checked.
Spline Export Options Drop down box Defines how splines should be exported to DXF / DWG
Multiple Sheet Drawing Options Drop down box Defines how multi sheet drawings should be exported
Export all drawing sheets to paper space Checkbox If checked then all sheets are exported to paper space

eDrawings Export Options

Parameter Type Description
Allow Measurement Checkbox Enables measurement of the document in the eDrawings viewer
Allow Export To STL Checkbox Enables export of the document to STL in the eDrawings viewer
Save Shaded Data Checkbox If checked then include shaded information in the eDrawings document
Save Table Features Checkbox If checked then includes table information (such as BOM) in the eDrawings document
Save Motion Studies Checkbox If checked then includes motion studies in the eDrawings document (this may increase file creation time and size)
Motion Study Configurations Drop down box Select if only the last calculated configuration, or all configurations should contain motion studies in the eDrawings document
Recalculate Motion Study Checkbox If checked then recalculates the motion study if the results are out of date
Include Layers Set to Not Print Checkbox If checked then layers that are set to not print are included in the eDrawings document

PDF Export Options

Parameter Type Description
Export PDF in Colour Checkbox If checked the PDF is exported in colour
Embed Fonts Checkbox If checked fonts are embedded in the PDF document
High Quality Lines Checkbox Specifies whether to save drawing documents in high quality when saving to PDF
Shaded / Draft Geometry DPI Drop down box Sets the dots per inch (DPI) setting for shaded and draft geometry. An increased value improves quality while increasing the file size and the time to save the file
Shaded / Draft Geometry DPI Drop down box Sets the dots per inch (DPI) setting for object linking and embedding (OLE) objects. An increased value improves quality while increasing the file size and the time to save the file
Print Header and Footer Checkbox Specifies whether to use the header and footer specified in File > Print > Header Footer when saving the PDF document
Use Specified Printer Line Weights Checkbox Specifies whether to use the default printer line weights specified in File > Printer > Line Weights when saving the PDF document
Include Layers Set to Not Print Checkbox If checked then layers that are set to not print are included in the eDrawings document

Image Export Options

Parameter Type Description
Image Type Drop down box The type of image to export
Capture Type Drop down box The type of capture to export
Include Layers Set to Not Print Checkbox If checked then layers that are set to not print are included in the PSD document
JPG Compression Slider The compression to use. 1 is for lowest compression (highest quality), 100 is for the highest compression (lowest quality)
Compression Scheme Drop down box The compression scheme to use when saving the Tiff image
Print Capture DPI Drop down box The dots per inch (DPI) at which to export the print capture
Paper size Drop down box The paper size at which to export the print capture
Width Numeric value The print capture width
Height Numeric value The print capture height
Scale To Fit Checkbox Scales the drawing to fit the page
Scale Factor Numeric value Specifies the scale factor

Supported Document Types

  • Drawing (Detailing)

Supported Processing Type

  • SolidWorks Application

This task does not make changes to the model
